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Image by Adi Goldstein

Want to be part of something big, and not just another cog in the machine?

We have a grand idea. A bold idea.  An industry-changing, career-building, mind-blowingly-awesome idea.


And we have a world-class founding team, with extensive industry and business knowledge, who are just crazy enough to pull it off. You can meet them over a drink, or three. We also have a bunch of awesome, entrepreneurial companies backing us.


So, what’s the big idea? We're going to reinvent the world of personal finance. You could come in on the ground floor, if you're quick.


If you're a developer who wants to create and build something that has an obvious and significant application, let us know.


We hire bright minds and the humans wrapped around them. We're looking for innovators and odd-ballers - people who stick their toes right on the line and then cross it, just to see what happens.

Join the team

Tell us a little bit about yourself, and let's find a time to connect!

Thanks for submitting!

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